Kate Harman - Asssistant Clerk
Kate Harman has been Assistant Clerk to Speldhurst Parish Council since 2017. She moved to Speldhurst in 2007 with her husband and children, happy to find a family-friendly community where they could throw themselves into village life.
As Clerk for the Planning and Amenities Committees, Kate has built up a comprehensive working knowledge around the issues affecting residents’ lives. Together with the variety and flexibility of her role, she really enjoys being able to do a job that makes a difference to her local community. Kate is also Clerk for the Defibrillators Working Group.
From the Fete Committee to the school PTA, Kate has taken on various volunteering roles in Speldhurst. She also loves walking her spaniel Lola in the countryside, or watching a movie with her family. Other spare time is spent learning to play the piano and seeing friends – often over a G&T at the George and Dragon.
Contact Kate at asst.clerk@speldhurstparishcouncil.gov.uk