Parish Elections & Co-options
Parish Council Elections
Are you passionate about making a difference to your local communities of Ashurst, Langton Green, Old Groombridge and Speldhurst? If the answer is yes, why not think about standing as a Parish Councillor?
Parish Council elections are held every four years and the next one is due in May 2027. There are thirteen Councillor seats available in total, and an election will be held if more candidates come forward than there are seats.
To find out more about how rewarding it can be to serve as a Parish Councillor, take a look at this Guide, produced by the Kent Association of Local Councils.
Co-opting a Parish Councillor
Co-option is a way of appointing a Parish Councillor when no election has been called. During a normal four-year term, a vacancy comes up when a Councillor resigns, fails to attend Parish Council Meetings for six consecutive months, or passes away. The Parish Council must then ask the electorate if they wish for an election to be held. A minimum of ten electors need to respond for an election to go ahead. After fourteen working days with no response from the electorate, we can advertise the post. Anyone who is eligible and interested in being co-opted can apply. They can expect to attend an informal interview with up to three of our Parish Councillors and the successful candidate will be co-opted as a Parish Councillor for the rest of the term.
Remember, you don't have to be a Councillor to get involved with your Parish Council - visit our Join in page to find out more.
Parish Councillor Vacancy
If you think you might be interested in getting more involved with your local community, we want to hear from you. We currently have a vacancy for a parish councillor and are looking for someone to join our twelve other councillors in the democratic decision-making that affects life in the parish villages of Ashurst, Langton Green, Old Groombridge and Speldhurst.
Parish councillors attend meetings to discuss and vote on a range of parish matters, from environment to highways, planning, and more. They can also get hands-on if they want to, with practical work such as helping to maintain local footpaths and volunteering with community Speedwatch. And just as this involvement is invaluable for the parish, our councillors find it hugely rewarding too. For some, it has made their CV stand out, for others, it provides the opportunity to get to know other residents in a friendly and inclusive environment. Finally, although the role isn't voluntary work in the strictest sense, the feeling of satisfaction is the same.
While our councillors come from all sorts of backgrounds, they are united by their commitment to improving quality of life in Speldhurst parish. If this is a commitment you share, then do get in touch with our Clerk, Katie Neve, to find out more about what the role involves. Applicants can expect to attend an informal interview with up to three of our councillors. The successful candidate will be co-opted as a parish councillor for the rest of the term.