Langton Green Community Sports Association 3G Planning Application Update
Speldhurst Parish Council
We have received a number of questions from residents about how long they have to comment on the 3G planning application.
In answer to these questions, we can confirm that Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (TWBC) has advised us that its Planning Committee will now be responsible for making a decision about the application. Usually, a Planning Officer decides whether or not to grant a planning application, but due to the size and significance of this one, it has been agreed to assign it to the Committee.
This means that anyone wishing to comment on the application can continue to do so until the Committee meets. We do not yet know when this meeting is scheduled for, but it will be after 5th March, which is the deadline for us - the parish council - to submit our response.
As soon as we hear the date of the TWBC meeting we will publish it here and on our Facebook page. With that said, we encourage you to submit your own comments as soon as you can, so that there is sufficient time for your feedback to be taken into account.
For more details about this application, including a link to the TWBC planning portal and an Informal Guide to Commenting please visit
Contact Information
Katie Neve -
- 01892 862927
- 07760 769513
Find Speldhurst Parish Council
Langton Green Recreation Ground, Speldhurst Road, Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN3 0JJ